I am Professor of Humanities at James Cook University, North Queensland, Australia.
My teaching and research focus on the history of political thought, global aspects of political economy and trade, as well as their legal, cultural and institutional dynamics. More specifically, I am interested in institutions of trade, such as free ports and commercial treaties, the history of the idea of the state and the history of international organisations.
My PhD in History is from Cambridge University (2004). Until 2022 I was an Associate Professor of the History of Political Theory at the School of Social and Behavioural Sciences at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Alongside my position in Rotterdam I have, most recently, been an Academy of Finland Fellow at Helsinki University, where I created a Centre for Intellectual History, a Visiting Professor at Ca’ Foscari Venice, Visiting Professor at Macquarie University and Research Fellow at the Kathleen Fitzpatrick ARC Laureate Research Program in International History at the University of Sydney.
See also, a description of my current projects, an overview of my books and other publications.
To contact me, email: koen.stapelbroek@jcu.edu.au
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